Photography is a service, and a personal one at that. Your clients are letting you into their lives, and trusting you with some pretty big moments. The more…
I’m Alex and I’m a photographer and I’m downright obsessed with photography, and love sharing it with super cool folks like yourself. When I’m not shooting, or writing, you can find me traveling, and hanging out with wonderful people.
Wapuula contains really useful plugins for your website
Navigating the seas of customer experience management today might be compared to the challenges of the ancient mariners exploring new territories…
Super easy installation wizard plugin facilitates plugins installation process
Picture what may just be one of the scariest scenarios in your career: The network has slowed to a crawl. You can barely hold a management interface, let alone…
See how you can create different layouts with the help of Page Builder
Navigating the seas of customer experience management today might be compared to the challenges of the ancient mariners exploring new territories…
Transform the Customer Experience with an Intelligent Contact Center
The evolving demands of digital-savvy customers have a deep impact on the contact center. In today’s highly connected society, customers are relying on other people around them to find information…
Format Quote
When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.Ansel Adams